July 3rd 2014
Year 4 spent a fun-filled, sunny day at London Zoo. On arrival, we excitedly ventured off to explore the Aquarium, Gorilla Kingdom and Reptile House. This was followed by an interactive 'Terrific Tigers' session at the Education Centre, where the children had the opportunity to learn about how tigers are cared for at the zoo and protected in the wild. They also learnt about the threat of illegal tiger trade and handled real objects seized from police raids. In the afternoon, we enjoyed a leisurely walk around the rest of the zoo, getting up close to lots of different creatures, particularly the goat that had a taste for London zoo maps! The big cats and penguins were a definite highlight, but the creepy crawlies didn't prove too popular. We finished our day with a long-awaited trip to the gift shop to buy souvenirs. Thank you to all of the Year 4 children who behaved so well, and the teachers who helped make the day so enjoyable.